17W.USAGI/TY 1319 (USAGI) quite the monster and heading toward Hong Kong.
Posted by
hanna on 9/20/2013, 10:17 am
At 20/06Z not far from Hong Kong the winds not gusts are predicted to be 135kts/135mph just short of a Category 5. The gusts 165kts/189.879 category five. They may be gusts but that dose not change the fact this is a monster.
I get a closer look at the area when I use the Japan Meteorology Agency track. Look at the tiny islands being hit as I type. I would be willing to bet not all their houses are built like ours.

TY 1319 (USAGI) Issued at 12:50 UTC, 20 September 2013 Analyses at 20/12 UTC> Scale Large Intensity Violent Center position N20°05'(20.1°) E123°50'(123.8°) Direction and speed of movement WNW 15km/h(9kt) Central pressure 910hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 55m/s(110kt) Maximum wind gust speed 80m/s(155kt) Area of 50kt winds or more ALL170km(90NM) Area of 30kt winds or more ALL560km(300NM)
<Forecast for 21/00 UTC> Intensity Violent Center position of probability circle N20°55'(20.9°) E122°00'(122.0°) Direction and speed of movement WNW 20km/h(10kt) Central pressure 915hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 55m/s(105kt) Maximum wind gust speed 75m/s(150kt) Radius of probability circle 90km(50NM) Storm warning area ALL240km(130NM)
<Forecast for 21/12 UTC> Intensity Very Strong Center position of probability circle N21°30'(21.5°) E119°50'(119.8°) Direction and speed of movement WNW 20km/h(10kt) Central pressure 925hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 50m/s(100kt) Maximum wind gust speed 70m/s(140kt) Radius of probability circle 130km(70NM) Storm warning area ALL280km(150NM)
<Forecast for 22/12 UTC> Intensity Very Strong Center position of probability circle N22°35'(22.6°) E115°55'(115.9°) Direction and speed of movement WNW 20km/h(10kt) Central pressure 945hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 45m/s(85kt) Maximum wind gust speed 60m/s(120kt) Radius of probability circle 200km(110NM) Storm warning area ALL310km(170NM)
<Forecast for 23/12 UTC> Intensity - Center position of probability circle N23°35'(23.6°) E111°10'(111.2°) Direction and speed of movement W 20km/h(11kt) Central pressure 975hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 30m/s(55kt) Maximum wind gust speed 40m/s(80kt) Radius of probability circle 390km(210NM) Storm warning area ALL440km(240NM)

Again look at the tiny islands being. I would be willing to bet their houses are built like ours.

In this thread:
17W.USAGI/TY 1319 (USAGI) quite the monster and heading toward Hong Kong. - hanna, 9/20/2013, 10:17 am- Damage report 17W.USAGI/TY 1319 (USAGI). - hanna, 9/22/2013, 9:37 pm
- Re: 17W.USAGI/TY 1319 (USAGI) quite the monster and heading toward Hong Kong. - hanna, 9/22/2013, 10:31 am
- Radar - Chris in Tampa, 9/21/2013, 10:41 pm
- Re: 17W.USAGI/TY 1319 (USAGI) quite the monster and heading toward Hong Kong. - Chris in Tampa, 9/20/2013, 9:12 pm
- Re: 17W.USAGI/TY 1319 (USAGI) quite the monster and heading toward Hong Kong. - Gianmarc, 9/20/2013, 11:22 am
- Super Typhoon Usagi - hanna, 9/20/2013, 10:39 am
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