Re: Tropical update video / OT - Updates
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 9/8/2018, 11:40 pm
It's nice to have a video update for this storm. Great job.

OT - Updates:

I wanted to post a few updates about various things.

Because of a lot of things I need to work on, the update I was working on to add the blue text in the main forum list to show what's been posted in the past 6 hours will have to wait. It is working on individual replies. That's about all that was going to be new. (There have been some minor tweaks to the layout that most people won't notice.)

Google required that I add billing to my account in order to have up to about 28,000 desktop map loads per month on my site. (mobile loads are free) To not get charged, I have to set a map quota of 903 map loads per day. (They only have a daily quota you can set, not monthly.) That applies to everything, on all my sites, that use Google Maps. Right now Google hasn't made a change at HurricaneCity, so those maps continue to work. If you ever see an error at HurricaneCity about the maps being only for development purposes, let me know. (contact me through the board) I'll have to make updates there. That's what happened on my site earlier today.

I had to remove a lot of maps on my site temporarily until I replace them with ArcGIS. That way Google Maps model plots are still likely to work. Since Google hasn't made any changes regarding the model and recon systems at HurricaneCity yet, I didn't remove any maps there.

I emailed Google tonight to try and get them to increase the amount of free map loads I can get. We'll see how that goes. (I'll post updates about this to my site's update page.)

Because there are so many storms in the Atlantic and East Pacific right now, I had to remove East Pacific storms from HurricaneCity's model system. There was too much data to process at once. Eventually, in a few years, I'll fix that issue, but I need to redesign part of the model system and that is not happening soon. That means to get data for Olivia in the East Pacific, which is going to pass over the Hawaiian Islands, you'll need to visit my site's model system. My site allows more data to be processed at one time.
In this thread:
Tropical update video - jimw, 9/8/2018, 3:12 pm
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