Sorry, cypress, I appreciate your suggestions but I find it ridiculous to now have to use multiple sites, jumping through hoops to find warnings for my area. I totally don't understand why the MRMS radar can't show warnings. But aside from that failing, NOAA would've been better served to migrate to MRMS rather than to have wasted resources developing the terrible new site -- and I'm not sure why they didn't.
All of this just points up even more clearly what an utter WASTE this new radar site is, when most everyone was very obviously perfectly happy with the old one, and, as Chris has pointed out, NWS could've simply modeled something very similar using JavaScript instead of Flash. Could they/would they possibly reconsider, if all the feedback remains negative?? ( And admit such a failure? Somehow I doubt it, though I'll hold out hope for a while.)
BTW, Chris: Thanks for your help but I'm only interested in looping radar, as we almost always want/need to know what's heading for us and how fast, such as when planning when to get out on the bikes. (Also just FYI I do use the NWS forecast page but for Gulf Breeze, closer to my island location than the city of Pensacola -- and, again, a static radar image does me little good.)
While I'm ranting I'll just add sort of O.T. that, from my elderly perspective, many of the efforts to make things suitable for smart phones are ruining them for those of us who don't want or need what amounts to hand-help computers in our lives. In so many ways smart phones have lessened, rather than improved, quality of life on this earth. Aside from the obvious reality of all the folks running around with their faces buried in their phones practically 24/7, missing the beauty of the world around them and failing to actually TALK with their fellow humans any more, I'll just give one personal example: My grown son now indicates annoyance with my "long paragraphs" when I email him. So I'm supposed to keep my remarks curtailed because they're more easily read on a phone. Good holy grief.
And I suppose this post itself is too long. Well, too bad. (Not talking to you or Chris, cypress, I hope you know.) |