I kept checking teco site for your address
Posted by cypresstx on 9/30/2024, 9:58 pm
probably at least once an hour, lol... I hope it made them check on y'all faster - it was very confusing, as at one point there were 3 green "outage" markers that covered your address & they all said something different ! - just so very glad you were able to get it back on without too much trouble :)

when ours goes out here, I always keep checking, either by calling or texting, and I have been told I should quit bothering them by other residents, because they're so busy... but you know what ? the squeaky wheel gets the grease - if you don't keep after them, they will not make you a priority

get some rest, my friend
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Is Chris OK - jimw, 9/27/2024, 7:28 pm
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