Re: NHC's page today
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 2/13/2025, 7:22 pm
Got distracted and didn't see this post.

People might still be nice to Americans, but then enough did vote for our new guy, so they might openly blame us all when we go elsewhere. Honesty, I'm embarrassed to be an Amercan right now and probably will be from now on. I certainly understand people in some countries that are choosing not do business with the US in some ways, like not stocking some US products or people canceling their trips to the US.

I just can't wrap my head around how we got to here. There will be theses written by some very smart people in the coming generations and I just don't think they'll figure it out. I'm rooting for just enough people to be sane next time.
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NWS Service Change Notices - cypresstx, 2/7/2025, 12:50 pm
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