They are having to change the abbreviations! It just gets crazier. I had noticed some products that had abbreviations that didn't update, even as some other stuff updated. I thought maybe they could keep the identifiers at least. I guess they are doing what they think they have to. All you need is one crazy to point it out and it could be someone's job at risk.
I mean, anyone who gets that particular type of model data will have to adjust to get the right files or their system breaks. I still don't think I have to update anything for any changes like that. Model and recon data has basin identifiers, but that is just for the Atlantic basin as a whole. I can't think of anything that references the Gulf.
I'm just hoping they don't get around to privatizing all of the NWS and nobody gets anything any more. It's what they want to do, it's just about whether they get away with it. That would take Congress, but they're too afraid to stop him probably and might just rubber stamp next to anything.