Mike Doran, a short critique....
Posted by B-Lowcountry on 7/14/2009, 11:04 am
Just a heads up....You are beginning to sound like a cross between John Hutchinson & David Koresh.... 

Now, this is not to say that you are wrong in your theory, or that Dr.  Hanson or Al Gore are wrong in theirs (I for one do not subscribe to AGW).  But you do not want to sound like them.  When you begin dismissing Thermodynamic processes in lieu of a "yet to be proven, and little understood (even by you)" Electrics Theory of yours, well....

As for why the Yucatan gets sch-macked on a regular basis???  It ain't because of Chixculub, Mike....  I think it is because (and this is just a theory of MINE) the Yucatan PENINSULA is geographically located sch-mack dab in the middle of the GOM & CS.  My theory also states the same for Florida, as well. 

In an attempt to "prove" my theory true, I am willing to bet that if Florida and the Yucatan 1) didn't have their peninsulas and 2) they were located in between, say, Washington State and Oregon, not one single Hurricane would strike them - irrespective of the size of the Impact Crater.  Additionally, if you took Chicago and sat it on an island in the middle of the GOM (with NO impact craters around it (we relocated it with the Yucatan)), it would be frequented by MANY future hurricanes.

Acoms Razor proves true more often than not:
The simplest solution tends to be the correct one.

But what do I know?

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Dr Gray wrong on global warming - jimw, 7/13/2009, 7:57 pm
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