Re: Dr Gray wrong on global warming
Posted by MGrid on 7/15/2009, 4:43 pm
I don't think global warming has anything to do with CO2 output.  If it did then why was it so much hotter 1000 years ago?  Was it all of the evil people polluting with their factories and cars?  Oh wait there weren't any.  Yet the temperature was substantially hotter than it is today. 

Is the climate warmer now than it was during the "little ice age" period that lasted from the 1400's until the 1900's?  Yes it is.  Without a doubt.  The globe is warming.  And it may stay warmer than "average" for between 400-800 years.  Or this may be an anomaly and we return to colder than "average" temperatures. 

Do you know the future?  I know I don't.  But I know the past and this isn't even the hottest the temperature has been in the last 1000 years.  We have been in a remarkable cold period since the 1400s.  The temperature is making a recovery.

It's like the economy.  It goes up and we have a boom.  It comes down and we have a recession.  It's the same thing with global temperature.  It goes up and we have a warm period.  It goes down and we have an ice age.  The climate is delicate but in all reality the effect we have on it at this point is minimal.

The last point is global warming is real.  But is it something that we can control or change?  No.  If it's going to warm it's going to warm.  If it were warmer than any pervious point in history (it's not even close) then there might be something to be concerned about.  You know most global warming "temperature charts" go back to the late 1800's.  If that were all of history, that might be alarming.  But it's not even close.  The late 1800's we were coming to the end of the "little ice age".  But if you looked at a chart just showing from the 1600's through the 1800's temperatures were much warmer in the 1800's. 

Basically what I'm saying is look at the big picture and don't be blinded by those pushing agendas. 
In this thread:
Dr Gray wrong on global warming - jimw, 7/13/2009, 7:57 pm
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