Re: Update # 11 Hey Buster
Posted by
Mike_Doran on 8/20/2009, 11:34 pm
Well instead of telling you that xray activity came back for a stitch and then died and that at this point in time I don't have a clue what xray activity is going to do, and that solar winds are still elevated above 500 km/second and that isn't good for RI, I want to talk about Joe Bastardi.
I actually like Joe. And frankly its only because he's good that he makes target practice and yeah Jim's joke was too funny. Joe has to sell weather along with inform his 'clients'. It's not the same job that the government has, so he has a special skill and keep'n scared. We all know it--he's full of hype. Of course he is.
But behind all the hype there is a basic truth, which is one I certainly have felt the sting of name calling on--and that is non linear change. It's hard to explain outside of mathematical terms, but it's the out liner. It's like 9/11. No one would have made the call ahead of time except for a few nutty conservatives you wouldn't like your pit bull near. And while I like the idea of the 1 NHC guy who makes the NE call, it's different than that.
Like this year my discussion about the lack of sun spots and quiet seasons and how 1914 matched up with that but then you have to add CO2/human activity into the conductivities involved -- surely a season that is not an el nino in the context of what we have had recently is outside of what we all thought would occur, right? Be honest.
You all know why I think this--from posting before, the super storm and I know you think that is insane, but in a way we are lulled to sleep by how linear climate APPEARS when indeed it does go non linear, clearly, in the climate record.
So don't be so hard on Joe. We should take his words with jokes and measure, of course, but at the same time our privite instititions have to make money and we have to have science which tests ideas, even models. |
In this thread:
An electrics discussion of the Atlantic twin A and B storms. -
8/16/2009, 1:33 am- Update #10 Bill Kills/Mitch Wobble - Mike_Doran, 8/20/2009, 12:18 pm
- Update #9 - Mike_Doran, 8/19/2009, 2:00 pm
- Re: An electrics discussion of the Atlantic twin A and B storms. - BobbiStorm, 8/18/2009, 2:45 pm
- so mike... looking at this image - BobbiStorm, 8/18/2009, 2:43 pm
- Update #7 where is that girl's naked swirl? - Mike_Doran, 8/18/2009, 9:50 am
- Update #5 Re: An electrics discussion of TDII(Ana) - Mike_Doran, 8/17/2009, 7:11 pm
- Tropical Tropopause Layer - JAC, 8/17/2009, 12:31 pm
- Update #4 - Mike_Doran, 8/17/2009, 11:51 am
- Update #3 - Mike_Doran, 8/17/2009, 2:21 am
- Update # 2 - Mike_Doran, 8/16/2009, 6:56 pm
- Re: An electrics discussion of the Atlantic twin A and B storms. - AugustineGirl, 8/16/2009, 4:54 pm
- Spaceweather update - Mike_Doran, 8/16/2009, 1:57 pm
- cup of joe - Mike_Doran, 8/16/2009, 10:27 am
- Oops. B is SOUTH, lightning in NORTH america - Mike_Doran, 8/16/2009, 1:39 am
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