Re: On hurricane 'kits' and evacuation
Posted by Beachlover on 8/23/2010, 11:52 am
Totally agree on sheltering in place, Beaumont, and believe you me, we would far, far prefer that option to evacuating, which is a royal pain in the patoot --  but I was specifically addressing dwelling areas that will virtually always require evacuation in a serious storm, precisely because of storm surge.  That includes our location on relatively low-lying Santa Rosa Island.   Local authorities, spooked by storms of the past 15  years or so, are quick to order evacuation whenever we're within the cone of probability.  Even storms passing by to our south, such as Katrina, will trigger evacuation (and shut-off of power and water) if the potential for storm surge is considered signficant enough, cone or no cone.
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On hurricane 'kits' and evacuation - Beachlover, 8/23/2010, 1:06 am
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