Re: On hurricane 'kits' and evacuation
Posted by Slamdaddy on 8/23/2010, 10:44 pm
Evacuating is a very expensive endeavour.  Family of three, if you traveled say 150-200 miles away from where you lived and were fortunate enough to find a hotel (hotels will jack the rates up).

Fuel for sitting in traffice for approx 12 hours (or more) : 50 bucks.
Hotel room for two nights:  150-250
Food and misc: 75

So for a family of three to evacuate for just 2 days you are looking at approx 400.00 duckets, if not more.

Now if you want to go into boarding the house, buying all the supplies that most normal households dont keep a stock of: like jug water, more than normal non perishable food, maybe 10-15 gals of gas in cans, etc....your talking prep and evac for a 3 member household 600-700 dollars....for a two day excursion and maybe when you come back, your junk is not junk...if it is, then you are screwed.

Wanna live on the beach...hhhmmm...think about this now.
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On hurricane 'kits' and evacuation - Beachlover, 8/23/2010, 1:06 am
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