Re: Should the Tropical Storm Watche been issued for NYC area
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Tim_NC on 9/5/2010, 7:14 pm
That's a good question for research; and more importantly who and why.
It was likely some committee that just couldn't leave things alone (being paid to do something.) People with authority seem always to fall into the trap that "newer automatically equals better."
The 'cone' is another example of lousy planning/thinking. Now it's a series of unconnected dots...whooppee! The NHC still can't figure how to put a curved line on a chart? They went from bad to worse. Unreal.
Trying to force people to adapt to a newer and lousier system is not the way to go. To the NHC it's all tropical, tropical, tropical...and to hell with any other system - even if tens of millions who've adapted to a better system for generations aren't served by it.
IMO hell will freeze over before the NWS/NHC revert to the better and more universal gale/storm/hurricane system....because doing so would be an admission their way is not better.
P.S. Heck, they should do away with the "Tropical Storm" label altogether; tropics or not, no one really needs it.
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