Re: Irene has an extremely dangerous surge, about on par with Katrina at the moment
Posted by james88 on 8/26/2011, 12:00 pm
Bloomberg says he will decide Saturday morning whether to evacuate the low lying zone A in the five boroughs of NYC. There are three zones on the surge map made by the army corps of engineers  Zone A inundated in a  Cat 1 Zone B inundated in a cat 2 and Zone C inundated in a cat 3. So far he says he will wait until SATURDAY MORNING to see if he'll evacuate zone A. No mention of B or C cause they expect it to be a cat 1 when it gets here.

I am praying I am wrong but this could be the most catastrophic mistake in the history of the US with regards to natural disasters. If it hits us with a surge that is even 3 or 4 not only will NYC be unprepared we will be greatly unprepared. Trop winds are goin to start up on saturday and the mayor is going to wait until the morning of to evacuate people in a zone  for a cat 1 surge? Its ludicrous... even Katrina had much more warning.

Surge is not based on category of the cane. The IKE scale is terrifying for what this might mean.

To answer your question no, the local media is not talking about a cat 3 or cat 4 storm surge. I discussed this yesterday and not only have they not changed theyre thinking on how the surge will be worse than the maps, they havent even ordered evacs yet!  

I hope something changes soon because she will be here soon.
In this thread:
Irene has an extremely dangerous surge, about on par with Katrina at the moment - Chris in Tampa, 8/26/2011, 11:07 am
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