I can't thank you enough, Chris!
Posted by
karen on 8/15/2019, 6:56 am
This eases my mind immensely, as well as provides me with a trustworthy assessment. (Yours). You clearly spent a lot of time and effort on this response, and that goes above and beyond. :) I purchased a new computer recently and had lost all of my links, so couldn't even find the info in a rush last night. I will have to check the links more thoroughly after work this afternoon, but I am so glad to have them! I'll definitely keep a weather eye (so to speak) on this, and your response made that possible for me.
(I'll stay off facebook for the duration, too, I think, lol. I will certainly be checking this forum, though, as well as the links herein.)
Again, thank you. This was so kind of you! Thank you,. thank you! :)
In this thread:
Advice and question regarding next week (Aug 19 on) -
8/14/2019, 8:04 pm- Several have wished us luck - karen, 8/20/2019, 9:33 pm
- Re: Several have wished us luck - Chris in Tampa, 8/21/2019, 12:50 am
- Chris - karen, 8/21/2019, 8:32 am
- Re: Chris - Chris in Tampa, 8/21/2019, 9:48 am
- Thanks! - karen, 8/21/2019, 7:12 pm
- so glad he is doing well - cypresstx, 8/20/2019, 11:02 pm
- Re: Advice and question regarding next week (Aug 19 on) - 327hanna, 8/16/2019, 2:27 pm
- Re: Advice and question regarding next week (Aug 19 on) - Chris in Tampa, 8/14/2019, 11:54 pm
- I can't thank you enough, Chris! - karen, 8/15/2019, 6:56 am
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