Several have wished us luck
Posted by
karen on 8/20/2019, 9:33 pm
So I thought I'd give an update. My husband is doing well, had the breathing tube out in 2 hours of surgery, and has been sitting up all day. Talking and eating his red jello. ;) Feeling the pain, but doing well.
Thank you again, Chris. Being able to see that all is quiet at home while I am up here is such a comfort! Thanks to all who sent their good wishes. I love this board...did before this, too. |
In this thread:
Advice and question regarding next week (Aug 19 on) -
8/14/2019, 8:04 pm- Several have wished us luck - karen, 8/20/2019, 9:33 pm
- Re: Several have wished us luck - Chris in Tampa, 8/21/2019, 12:50 am
- Chris - karen, 8/21/2019, 8:32 am
- Re: Chris - Chris in Tampa, 8/21/2019, 9:48 am
- Thanks! - karen, 8/21/2019, 7:12 pm
- so glad he is doing well - cypresstx, 8/20/2019, 11:02 pm
- Re: Advice and question regarding next week (Aug 19 on) - 327hanna, 8/16/2019, 2:27 pm
- Re: Advice and question regarding next week (Aug 19 on) - Chris in Tampa, 8/14/2019, 11:54 pm
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