Re: Oil expected to reach Panama City Beach in 3 days--tourist in Pensacola says "tarballs every
Posted by James g on 6/9/2010, 1:29 am
AgrosyTN;you my chap are on the mark ! It is a form of facism when corporations work in unison, often against the best interests of the people. Now if only the so called libertarians and those tea bagger types understood this !
I have a hunch that BP was experimenting with a previously unruptured volcanic vent when this happend,''the explosion and spew of ''oil'' and other subtances.Interestingly enough I found an online article concerning the fact that a British company had as of early april discovered undersea volcanic vents ,guess where ? You got it,the Gulf and the Caribean ! Keep in mind now that you can see online photos of these vents just by googling undersea volcanic vents;those pictures look very simalar to what BP is showing on their vidieos,at least in terms of what we see spewing into the ocean.It turns out that volcanic vents release all sorts of possibly usable,valuable minerals along with natural gas and of course some very toxic stuff to boot.It may also be possible to utilize the intense heat from these vents for some purpose or another also.
It is ceartainly easy enough to imagine more than a few reasons why BP would not want the world to know that they were messing around with a volcanic vent ! Think about it,suppose for a moment that they have perhaps discovered some sort of new and very valuable trade secrets,including previously undiscoverd gasses,minerals,oils or means of recovery and processing ? Then to is the possibility that they forsaw the publics rightous outrage at the thought of a private company conducting inherintly dangerous and unapproved experiments with something like volcanic vents at the bottom of the gulf,only forty miles from the LA wetlands.It could be a combo of both scenario's ?
Tied into my theory, is my discovery of something called'' jarosite'',which is a reddish orange toxic substance which can be produced naturaly and by manmade activities.I have discovered that ceartain corporations have been dumping this jarosite into the ocean near Australia and other places for a good while now.Just google'' jarosite dumping into seas around Australia'' and you will discover that this jarosite at first floats on the water,'' much like oil'' and looks just like the supposedly red oil we have been seeing online and on tv,coming from BP"S supposed oil leak ! The kicker is that again this jarosite occours naturaly in various types of mines,wells, and this is just an unconfirmed educated guess on my behalf-volcanic vents. I am still researching this,so no I do not have all the info yet. Anyway why not see what you can find out and let me hear from you ?
In this thread:
Oil expected to reach Panama City Beach in 3 days--tourist in Pensacola says "tarballs everywhere" - jack ruby, 6/7/2010, 3:16 pm
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