Re: Alligator Point / Big Bend - air quality concern
Posted by AlligatorPointer on 6/19/2010, 1:37 am
James g,   the weather has been uneventful recently and rather dry.  We could use a bit of rain here on Alligator Point.  The noxious odor in the air is transient.  It comes and goes and seems to occur when we have a strong sea breeze coming from the wsw. The odor is odd... it smells like crayons ... open a new box of crayons and sniff them to get an idea.  Imagine yourself surrounded by that odor.   I have no way of knowing when BP is burning the oil.  I have wondered if the oil is being burned continuously, or intermittently.  Now I am hearing that methane a major concern.  When the odor in the air makes it unpleasant to be outside, I stay inside and turn on the air-conditioning.  If we lose power in a storm it will be a big problem dealing with both the heat and the noxious odors from the oil.  We won't be able to open up the house and let the sea breeze do the cooling if we have to worry about airborne contamination from the oil.
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Updated Beach Reports. - aquaRN, 6/17/2010, 6:24 am
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