Re: Its all there: Sub-Trop Impulse, Lee Low, Negative Tilt
Posted by JAC on 5/9/2011, 11:55 am
There is very strong capping in place today.

At 700mb a surge of warm air from 14C in TX to 11C thru the mid Plains.

Also noticed in the long-range model runs a large Omega Block could be setting up over CONUS with mid-level lows off west Conus and other SW of Greenland.

That will create an entrenched ridge over CONUS and block mid-level PV anomalies from spinning up TUTTs in the usual spot around 30N 65W.

Might start seeing some tropical action in a week or so.

In this thread:
Another Possible Severe Event Around May 10 thru 12 - JAC, 5/3/2011, 7:13 am
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