Viruses can be stored at very cold temperatures, but a few weeks ago I had wondered about a regular freezer. Then Tuesday my dad asked me to look into it more and I found that it likely can survive. I haven't found information specific to this virus yet, but instead for others, including some similar viruses.
We were not washing things before we put them in the freezer. We were just not going to touch them for awhile.
I can't vouch for all the links below, but the point I get is that my freezer is not a safe zone. I have to assume the virus is there now and will be until I eventually use everything in it, defrost it and wash it good.
So I have to assume that whenever I get something out of it, the virus is on the packaging. Because I assume most of the things were frozen quickly when it was packaged, I have to assume that everything inside also may contain the virus. So I have to cook everything thoroughly. But the packaging, inside and out, might contain the virus. So anytime I handle something from the freezer, and touch anything inside the packaging as well, I have to assume the virus is on my hands and I'll have to wash them.
I have a large chest freezer and a freezer inside the house with the refrigerator. Today we took everything out of the freezer in the house and moved it to the chest freezer. Then we washed the freezer in the house. We filled it back up with some things we individually washed. The freezer, and fridge, are now safer zones. Nothing goes in unless it has been washed. But even taking something out of the freezer in the house, the packaging inside might have the virus in it. We have a lot of microwave meals. Inside the box could have it. Once it is microwaved, it will kill it. But before that, you have to wash your hands after handling things. And any surfaces you sit it on for example. Opening the microwave door and pressing the buttons for example, do it with clean hands.
I couldn't wash everything in the chest freezer. It took a few hours just to do the stuff we put in the inside freezer. It might take most of the day to do the chest freezer and everything would be defrosted by then. But if the virus could potentially survive for a few years, it will be something that will remain a contaminated area until I can wash it all out and then start washing everything that goes into it.
Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, okay I'm definitely a little paranoid, but I'm taking every step I can!
Will the coronavirus survive in the refrigerator or freezer?
A 2010 study used two viruses that are related to the COVID-19 virus to look at the effects of temperature and humidity on viral survival. Researchers found that both lower temperatures and lower humidity helped viruses survive longer. In particular, at 4 degrees C, or 40 degrees F, and 20% relative humidity, more than two thirds of the viruses survived for 28 days. On the other end of the spectrum, at 40 degrees C, or 104 degrees F, and 80% humidity, the viruses survived for less than 6 hours.
This suggests that coronaviruses survive better on surfaces at colder temperatures. It is alsoexpected that the virus would survive being frozen.
It is important to wash your hands and your produce, following sound food handling guidelines. Also, clean surfaces using approved disinfectants.
Drafted 19 March 2020
From State of New Jersey:
Influenza Food safety issues November 2005
The H5N1 virus can survive for at least one month at low temperatures. For this reason, common food preservation measures, such as freezing and refrigeration, will not substantially reduce the concentration of virus in contaminated meat or kill the virus. In countries with outbreaks, poultry stored under refrigeration or frozen should be handled and prepared with the same precautions as fresh products.
From World Health Organization about another virus, H5N1 avian influenza virus:
While some have voiced hope that extreme temperatures may help kill off the virus, one expert warned that the rest of the coronavirus family has the ability to withstand freezing temperatures - and the new form could be equally persistent.
"Research into similar coronavirus strains has shown that, in general, coronaviruses are stable in freezing temperatures and have been shown to survive for up to two years at -20 degrees Celsius," explained Dr. Mohamad Mooty, Department Chair, Infectious Diseases, Medical Subspecialty Institute, at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi.
Given that studies on SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, two recent coronavirus outbreaks, showed that viruses could survive for up to 72 hours at the average temperature of a fridge (4 degrees Celsius), Dr. Mooty said, "It is safe for us to assume that the virus responsible for COVID-19 might be similarly persistent."
If the new coronavirus is as persistent as its predecessors, it could survive on surfaces in freezers long after authorities aim to have suppressed the pandemic - living on food packaging in a freezer, for example.
"While we do not know the specifics of how long this virus can survive on surfaces, it is best to be safe and act as though it is able to survive on surfaces in freezing temperatures for anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of years," said Dr. Mooty.
From news organization in the Middle East:
Also note that coronavirus can live in frozen foods for long periods of time, he said. The freezer should not be considered a safe zone. Frozen food packaging should be disinfected like everything else.
From news organization in Michigan: |