Re: thank you for checking in here
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 10/11/2024, 8:30 pm
Thanks. I was uncertain how things were going to go in the storm. I actually ended up not brining anything other some clothes and a lot of snacks. I left my pictures and computer as it appeared as though we were not going to get the surge. I just put it up high and wrapped the computer in plastic. Put it in a part of the house where I thought it would survive wind better too. I wasn't sure obviously, I still had to evacuate as it was going to be very close, but I was feeling a bit better at the time. Then it wobbled some more to the north after we had left and I was feeling like I kind of should have. I just didn't want to leave something valuable in the car in case we left it for some reason while doing something. But it was a relief coming home to everything being right where we left it. Our house isn't built well, it has some very vulnerable spots, so we didn't know until we got home if the house was going to have wind damage or not. I grabbed a flashlight and inspected around it and was happy when everything was in order.
In this thread:
I'm home - Chris in Tampa, 10/10/2024, 8:23 am
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