That was one frightening storm. We sheltered at the Fruitville Elementary School on Honore and knew exactly when the eye passed over us. I was eerily quiet for about one hour. Then the backwinds started up. We left the shelter around five in the morning in the dark, and the roads were littered with trees across them and it was like a slalom to get home. We sustained some damage to our spa cage (a tree limb hit the corner. There was a limb leaning against the side on the house and resting on the roof, but I don't see any moisture on the interior so I am assuming the roof is okay. However, the backyard looks like a war zone. Looking at it I am wondering if there was some kind of mini-tornado that may have touched down. There was a chain reaction of trees falling on each other in a circular pattern that makes me think that. I have never seen such tree debris. It's almost as if the leaves were put in a blender because the pieces are so small (and really hard to pick up). We have been through a number of hurricanes and this one was by far the worst. This was Cat 3 at landfall and I don't even want to imagine a Cat 4 or 5.