Re: NWS Radar Scintillation Anomaly noticed over Wabash Valley Fault Zone
Posted by Tim_NC on 2/25/2011, 11:52 am
Check out this video and tell me the guy is not totally delusional:

He also has one on "chemtrails."

I really had no idea how widespread such "science insanity" was until you got me started on surfing this stuff.

Again, "accepted science" comes from peer-reviewed journals (and is then taught in schools); the rest is "entertainment." As long as people people can differentiate, it's all fine....but how well can a "thinking-impaired" society actually differentiate the two?

I'm reminded of Fox's O'Rielly who offered the Moon as proof of God's existence. It was sad to see him repeat over and over: "How about the Moon? How'd it get there? How'd it get there?"

That the Moon was created from a long ago major Earth impact event was as alien to him as most the rest of science. When our political and media leaders are ignorant of science and the scientific method of thinking, we all pay a price; a price that can include blood and treasury as well as general ignorance.

Tim in NC
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