i think......irene mostly going to be a rain.....flooding event.. not wind
Posted by BobbiStorm on 8/25/2011, 2:29 pm
Just got back from the morning at the beach.   I've seen strong tropical storms far off in the bahamas generating more wind and more surfwill name a few nothing storms that were stronger.

I have friends in bahamas on some small cay island that were told to expect much stronger winds than they got. They got wind but nowhere near the hyped expectations.

Was w others who also all felt the same.  

A lot of jelly fffish. Bigger than I have ever seen. Littering the beach.  Like they had pink four leaf clovers in them.

The water was almost cold....really oddest part.  Not even warm. Explain that...

I think she will do damage. Basements flooded.street flooding.  A big big area but more a huge sponge that is going to wring herself out over a lot of beaches up the way.

Just my feeling and note same feelings of others with me.  For a storm this big and strong even on the weak side there should be more wind and surf.

But the rain is constant ...
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i think......irene mostly going to be a rain.....flooding event.. not wind - BobbiStorm, 8/25/2011, 2:29 pm
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