Re: Latest hurricane formations
Posted by Shalista on 8/20/2013, 7:42 am
Yeah I remember when I lived there that there were always threats of being hit, but they either turned out to sea or went further north.  I think it has something to do with the jet stream and that it seems to always move through north Fl, which is why it is protected from canes.  The only times I know of there being a direct hit is from TS.  2008 comes to mind with Florida being hit 3 times by the same TS. And then in 2005, a TS formed right off the coast of Mayport and moved inland.  I was on deployment in 2004 and missed al lthe canes that hit Florida that year.  My husband told me all Jax got was wind and rain.  I miss Jax :(
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Latest hurricane formations - LawKat, 8/17/2013, 5:32 pm
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