thank you Chris
Posted by cypresstx on 11/21/2020, 5:40 pm
sorry for exploding the other thread. Also, I'm sorry to hear about your relatives' cases, it's all so heart-breaking :( I do hope it brings awareness and as BL says (thank you BL) if it makes one person decide to wear a mask & be more careful, then it is worth it. I have since learned my brother decided himself not to be admitted to the hospital, because "that's where our cousin died". Like denying it exists will keep him safe. Also, his son & their family have not even gotten tested, even though they all have symptoms - not even sure what their reasoning is for that... deny it's happenning, therefore it's not real ??? He is no longer answering my emails, so not really sure what's up with their cases.

Best wishes to all you posters and lurkers, that you and yours remain safe - cypress
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Coronavirus - Thread #3 - Chris in Tampa, 11/20/2020, 3:50 pm
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