Re: National Hurricane Center's forecast
Posted by James g on 10/8/2018, 12:17 pm
Why would Tallahassee even be used as a reference point for a land falling storm, when that city is more than 40 miles from the coast ?
While it is true, that as far as the effects of a land falling hurricane are to be considered, Tallahassee is close enough to the coast to experience hurricane conditions almost as severe as those that can be experienced in immediate coastal cities; the fact that Tallahassee sits at well over 100 feet AMSL and would never be effected by even the highest of possible storm surges, it simply would, or does not make sense to use that city as a reference point for a land falling hurricane.

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We now have Tropical Storm Michael - Beachlover, 10/7/2018, 2:19 pm
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