Re: job losses in science
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Chris in Tampa on 2/14/2025, 9:07 pm
And this was only the easiest batch of firings.
I've been thinking about it and out of all the ways this could go, I think that our best hope is that the American economy enters a recession or depression. Hopefully it is impactful enough for the next elections. Economic hardship needs to convince people to pay more attention and wise up. Some U.S. sanctions and isolation by the rest of the world might also help. I know those sound like bad things, but I think the plausible alternatives would be much worse.
Then there will be a lot more pain as trillions will need to likely be spent to fix what was broke. And it could take a few decades to get back to where we have the kind of experienced people in government that we did. I just fear that during the Reconstruction era to come after this, people might forget again and usher these people back in again. This is just life in America now for a few generations unfortunately. We're just going to have to pace ourselves and understand that there is no other alternative. Hopefully in a generation or two America will be almost like it was.
I'm hoping the hardship is enough to spur change. It's sad it will impact everyone and not the ones that most deserve to get what they voted for. I'm just hoping enough minds are still open to change. If they get rid of the department of education and continue to really attack public schools at the state level too, we'll have less educated voters. That's their whole plan, make voters less educated. They win with that group. Or just make everyone not want to get involved and not vote. The cult votes, so if they can depress the turnout among the intelligent people, they could win.
Unfortunately, I really think economic hardship that is the best way all this can go. And I don't mean just a little inflation like we had and were putting behind us. It needs to be sizeable, which it will be if he really continues with tariffs.
Each new day is embarrassing for America, from at home to abroad. With Ukraine alone in the last day or two, it's gone from they can never be part of NATO to we could potentially have American troops on the ground fighting Russia. Our government isn't on the same page. Our allies in Europe don't what's going on. And the VP went over to just yell at everybody like an old man yelling at a cloud.
They are going to decimate climate science. Out of all the things that the courts could stop if they chose to do the right thing, I don't know how much help it would be to stop the attacks on science. I don't know how much was allocated to specific climate initiatives, if any. And it's not like they are following what Congress previously voted on anyway. Right now it's just executive orders and daring the judiciary to dare stand up to them.
I would imagine a plan with NOAA and especially the NWS is underfund them, fire a lot of people and have them unable to fulfill their mission. Then eliminate all of it and contract out to a private for-profit company. In some cases in regards to other things, they aren't being subtle. When you have all the power, and no one dares to challenge you, you take more. They will try it, only question is what fight can be put up. Maybe enough wouldn't get rid of the NWS, but I don't know. What happens when the private company you hire determines that providing tornado warnings is too much cost and it needs to be cut to please shareholders? Small chance perhaps of that, but who knows. None of these are questions we should need to be asking. |
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2/14/2025, 7:58 am Post A Reply