Re: job losses in science
Posted by Beachlover on 2/20/2025, 12:36 pm
I concur in most of what has already been said here. This is a terribly frightening time to be alive in this nation. I never thought I would say anything like this, but, even though I miss my late husband beyond words, I'm glad for him that he didn't have to witness this rapid destruction of the USA and everything it has always stood for.

Arnie despised Donald Trump from way back in Apprentice days, while I was avidly watching the show, at least the first couple of seasons. Of the two of us, my spouse was a far better judge of human character -- much more attuned to phony B.S., inflated ego and downright mean-spiritedness. Didn't take me long to learn, as soon as Trump came down his royal stairway and began to show his true self.

And even though Jim may not consider the threat to science to be the biggest, nevertheless it's huge. As one who dwells near the coast and has lived through the fury of hurricane destruction, I dread the day we may no longer have NOAA nor an effective National Hurricane Center in operation. Seems to me that could come sooner than we think, though I dearly hope I'm wrong.
In this thread:
job losses in science - cypresstx, 2/14/2025, 7:58 am
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