Re: Andy Hazelton also cut
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 2/28/2025, 9:27 am
I had seen that he got fired. I hope they win a lawsuit. I know there's some movement on the firing of probationary workers in the courts, but I'm not hopeful on any of this. Supreme Court literally protected Trump by delaying one case to the very last day they could last year. They wanted this so they can't be trusted. 6 to 3 or 5 to 4 are the likely decisions to come with the makeup of the Supreme Court. I would love to be wrong.

And yet, I'm just waiting for the courts to do something decisive. Some are trying, but the administration is slow walking things, ignoring things or just plain lying to the courts. The Supreme Court hasn't been helping yet. One ruled against something, not in a final way, but still nothing should favor Trump at the Supreme Court right now. The Supreme Court needs to put concrete roadblocks in front of Trump now before he is truly too powerful to stop in the courts. He knows damn well if he ignores a court order, there is no recourse on that. The Cabinet and Congress are not removing him. I shudder to think what he would need to do for them to try to remove him. By that point, even that might not be able to stop him.

I don't think the courts are most likely to work, meaning the alterative is dark, but it is our best chance and would be best for everyone involved. The world is watching what we did to ourselves. Unfortunately our stupidity impacts the world.

Those who didn't agree with Hitler, but did his bidding anyway, whether because they were cowards or scared, were still Nazis. You don't get to do all the things the Nazis did and claim you're not a Nazi. Those people are guilty too. Like all the yes people of the Cabinet that clap around the table for their king. And which is the king between Trump and Musk, I don't know.

Some of the Trump voters regret their decision. No bleep. I see that on TV and articles online. People have already died, in this country and around the world, for no reason other than a smug sociopath and his friend the other smug sociopath. For voters that didn't see this coming, you are too stupid to acknowledge. If we still vote in 2 to 4 years, they better choose wisely, but we have to get that far. And it's more like 4 years. Trump and Musk have done all this by fiat, just a stroke of a black sharpie onto a piece of paper that Trump sees for the first time when he signs it from his Project 2025 friends.

And they made fun of Biden for being out of touch. Yikes. When they explain to Trump what he is signing he make noises and his surprise about what it is can't be hidden. He's not really in charge. Not sure who is, but it's not just him.

77 million people fell for it. No one can ever explain to me how this happened. Social media, weak-willed people, a few issues like the economy, I know the ingredients, but 77 million people looked at January 6th and said yes please. I will never understand how that many people can be hoodwinked so successfully. Who wants to give billionaires a tax cut and give up maybe their social security, healthcare, job, freedom and whatever else for them to get it? It's madness. I understand some of the billionaires would like it, but there might be less than a thousand billionaires in this country. There's not 77 million multi-millionaires.

They want to ignore history in schools and I can see why. We did this before in World War II. We are on that path right now. They don't want people to see the connections. I can remember the "give him a chance people". We did the first time and we barely got out of it.

But people were so racist, sexist and stupid, that 77 million people decided America's best days were behind it.

Hopefully several million change their mind, but really it's going to be turnout. You know the next election if we have one is one going to be attempted to be bought off by Musk. He could spend billions on an election and make up for it in contracts alone, let alone all the other ways he can make money. That man is more dangerous than even Trump long term. And you know they are going to try to suppress the vote through means that border on illegal for sure.

But that's if we get to vote.

If we survive all this, no one a hundred years from now will get what the hell we were thinking. The climate will be so screwed by then, they'll wonder what the hell we were thinking on that too.

I don't know how you fix stupid. I have no ideas on that.
In this thread:
job losses in science - cypresstx, 2/14/2025, 7:58 am
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