Re: job losses in science
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 2/19/2025, 9:38 pm
There are some things Congress might not go for. They'll get rid of the filibuster when they need to, but they'll still need 50 votes in the Senate. They can't lose that many. If they can't kill social security, they'll bankrupt it as soon as possible. There's articles about the trillions of cost they want to incur. They could bury it that way, saying they are cutting taxes on it to save you money, meanwhile the quicker it runs out of money.

I don't think we're going to see much pushback from the GOP in Congress broadly speaking. We've moved on from that point I think. I think we're past the tipping point. I don't see how democracy is going to survive this without some kind of significant change from those in the GOP who would, in the most dire of circumstances, be willing to act.

We can't recover from what's already occurred. Trump is literally proclaiming himself king and that he is above the law, including in memes and the like. Those who like to pretend that what he says is a joke are fools at best and at worst like those that went along with the Holocaust because they claimed they had no other choice.

I was talking with someone who said a variation of the quote, you don't know how good you have it, until it's gone. And that we don't know how lucky we've been in America up until this point. (at least for the past few generations, lets say 70s up until now) It's hard to contemplate America turning into a developing country post democracy or how we remain in this quasi democratic state we're in now. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see things changing from the path we're on.

I think the darkness that has spread among the GOP is too powerful to stop by others in the GOP speaking up. They're too scared. If you wanted to impeach in the House and then convict Trump in the Senate, you would need to plan among your colleagues in advance. I just don't think anyone would trust anyone to do that. Trump has grown too dangerous for them to dare try it. And I don't know what Trump would have to do for them to take the risk. Trump literally tried to overthrow democracy and his second impeachment didn't result in a conviction. So America just said, don't steal democracy, we'll give it to you to destroy. That level of stupid isn't going to go away. Yes, there are Trump voters who have changed their mind now. But it's too late. The election set us down a path we can't come back from. Not ever fully. We'll see how dark it gets before maybe we can begin a long road to recover somewhat.

But even if Trump was convicted in the Senate, that darkness in the GOP isn't going anywhere. Moderate republicans don't win elections. So, the brightest hope isn't even that bright when you think about it.

In the meantime, America no longer has standing in the world. Completely destroyed in under a month. Europe, and the rest of the world that believes in democracy, would do best to align against us politically and economically. Better that now than even darker scenarios.

And most people in this country probably don't have a clue what's happening. For some, it's the thing that is getting taken away. I see some of the reports on TV and online about Trump voters learning about what they are losing. I feel no sympathy for them. Zero. They didn't think he'd do the thing he said he would do in regards to what's hurting them now. A little hint for everyone out there, base your vote on what the candidates say. And maybe be a little more tuned in for any future elections we are lucky enough to still have.
In this thread:
job losses in science - cypresstx, 2/14/2025, 7:58 am
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