Re: NOAA External Affairs
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 3/2/2025, 9:26 pm
It's going to take so long to put this country back together. And that could take a lot longer than it took to tear it apart.

Every part of government is losing talented people. And they're just getting started with this. Unfortunately world events are overshadowing everything going on with the layoffs right now. Might be part of why the Oval Office meeting went south. People are talking about that and not all these firings. There's just too much bad news to cover.

And anyone in school right now might choose a new career as government jobs, at least for now, are going to be hard to come by. Some of these jobs across government don't have private sector comparable jobs.

Various weather related news on the news tonight. Fires in the Carolinas and a dust storm that caused a deadly traffic accident in Arizona. Watches and warnings can save lives. It's only a matter of time before there is an impact in how quickly the overworked staff can get something out.
In this thread:
job losses in science - cypresstx, 2/14/2025, 7:58 am
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