Re: NOAA and the Oil Spill
Posted by
Gianmarc on 6/13/2010, 10:53 am
I completely agree. I just wish we did not feel so powerless, so helpless before the powers you're talking about.
According to stories I have read about the use of "relief wells" in prior disasters, they are far from a fail-safe resolution and stand as much a chance of worsening the gusher as they do in stopping it. I cannot for the life of me imagine the date of August 15th coming and going and hearing that the relief wells have not worked.
I don't think the nation knows it yet, but our collective breath will be held until that moment, and if it doesn't work, it may deal the most significant blow to national morale that we've felt since 9/11/01.
The economic ramifications of such a failure would almost certainly reverberate for generations, and the state I most fear for is Florida, as that state's $65 billion a year tourism industry, property values, employment rate and overall economy can't possibly survive the encroachment of oil along beaches on every square inch of its coast, as may happen should the gush continue and bleed into the loop current/gulf stream.
If the media would government/BP/Media would just be more forthcoming about the true magnitude of this disaster we would at least have a better idea of what we're really up against here. Instead we're left with a fear of the unknown--like so many bats blinded by the sunshine.
Here's a story I came across the other day titled "Relief Wells Are Risky, Could Actually Make Spill Worse" . . .
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NOAA and the Oil Spill -
6/12/2010, 12:19 pm Post A Reply
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