Re: A few brief notes James
Posted by James g on 6/13/2010, 12:56 pm
Jack ruby,the truth here is that the Gulf Coast region can not afford to risk any more oil spews or spills,at least not right now ! Besides this point , our economic system is causing the destruction of the planet and the life systems we depend upon for our very existance.We must change this system and change it soon.The Louisiana gov.should be demanding economic change,not still more drilling at the risk of their own coastline and that of surrounding states.That same gov.should be demanding that the oil companies which pay investors and ceo's millions of dollars a year either start paying public dividends or risk the nationalization of those oil supplies which they did not create, but yet they profit from as if they did.Alaska has a oil dividend program which could serve as a model for the lower 48.If you want to talk about truth we need to talk about the fact that for decades the profits from natural resources has been transfered to a very small group of people whom many of them now are living in luxury,not ever having to worry about work again,even as there are millions of people who can not afford to take even a few days off of work,even when they need to for their own good and for the survival of entire ecosystems.Yes, lets talk about the truth that we have an economic system which functions to enrich and empower a few at the expense of both the enviroment and the masses of people who actualy preform the wealth creating labor.Lets discuss the truth that governments have printed money in the past to finance needless wars,but yet in a situation like this it seems the best we can do is just to put people back to work doing something that has the potential to ruin the health of millions while destroying every living thing in the Gulf.
Insanity has been definend as preforming the same behavior over and over again but yet expecting different results to come from that behavior.We see the results of offshore oil drilling,we know that those results are unacceptable, but yet the government of Louisana refuses to even suggest that something different be tried ! What is this but insanity ?
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NOAA and the Oil Spill - Gianmarc, 6/12/2010, 12:19 pm
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