Re: Exactly n/t
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ArgosyTn on 6/13/2010, 2:11 pm
I see this whole disaster as the real start of the Al Gore elitist. This evil bastard is waiting in the background to lay out his ploy for saving our planet. This plan will be more taxed and regulated to the extreme of government. These evil people never start a plan unless they and there buddy's will benefit greatly. I know for a fact that we can be totally energy independent within a few short years, and all of us would have so much prosperity. We don't need oil but the power players do, to justify there bogus power grab. We are at a very pivotal point in the history of our planet. The earth will survive one way or another but will human nature last much longer. This disaster in the Gulf may very likely be the start to the end. I still don't know for sure if this disaster is just a power grab or the real thing. If this is for real and they can't stop it 2012 will really be interesting? |
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