Re: it may get nasty here
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 1/19/2025, 9:41 pm
I know Texas gets storms like this more often, but they don't seem to handle it much better. There's going to be lots of videos of cars and trucks sliding across roads and it just pays not to be in one of those videos by staying home. Especially in areas where people aren't familiar with those kinds of conditions.

And I know Texas has issues with the power grid too. I hope lessons were learned in the past and it's gotten a bit better.

I see your temperatures will be in the mid teens with about four inches of snow forecast according to the NWS forecast. With sleet and freezing rain also possible. That's a mess.
In this thread:
Snow forecast in the southeast and other very cold temperatures in parts of U.S. - Chris in Tampa, 1/19/2025, 8:25 pm
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