Re: we ended up with about 2" of snow.
Posted by cypresstx on 1/22/2025, 9:45 am
yes, warming up - our patio thermometer read 40 yesterday though. snow on lawn mostly gone except over mulch under oak & shady spots on N/NW side of house patio table stays colder, still almost 2" on there & also pretty heavy in parts of roof, there was some drifting up there

we were in the 2.5" - 2.8", per this local storm report map for hgx from iem if you remove the radar layer, it's easier to tell what's on the map

heck of a storm for the S & SE - that blizzard warning was crazy, have never seen NOLA cams look like that !
In this thread:
Snow forecast in the southeast and other very cold temperatures in parts of U.S. - Chris in Tampa, 1/19/2025, 8:25 pm
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