Re: they gather met. data to improve model forecasts
Posted by Fred on 1/21/2025, 6:50 pm
I believe this is the very first Blizzard Warning issued for the Gulf Coast.

I know it is very rare to get snow down by you guys, And as mentioned in an earlier post, I would definitely be concerned about the driving. I get nervous driving in the snow up here were we get alot of it. I'M comfortable with my driving, It is just the drivers around me that make me nervous. as for my driving I take my time I break earlier and not as hard, step on the gas lighter. And if I feel I start to lose traction I step off the gas and DO NOT hit the breaks. just keep foot off gas and the break until I get control.
In this thread:
Snow forecast in the southeast and other very cold temperatures in parts of U.S. - Chris in Tampa, 1/19/2025, 8:25 pm
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