Re: we ended up with about 2" of snow.
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 1/23/2025, 12:26 pm
My heat is fixed. Turns out they never connected the auxiliary heat when they installed a new system in July. Quite the difference in heating. Got it to 70F.

My niece emailed me more photos from her kids playing in the snow. They had a giant inner tube for a lake that they were using on the snow and pulling it behind some other kind of vehicle they have. They built a snowman too. Roads are closed there. School was out through today, but she expected school would likely be canceled tomorrow too. They had up to around six inches in Eufaula, Alabama.

Here was part of one of the images:

In this thread:
Snow forecast in the southeast and other very cold temperatures in parts of U.S. - Chris in Tampa, 1/19/2025, 8:25 pm
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