Re: Snow forecast in the southeast and other very cold temperatures in parts of U.S.
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 1/22/2025, 12:58 am
That's an insane statistic. Buffalo's last blizzard was just before Christmas in 2022. But some of those places in the middle of the country are surprising. Almost 14 years for southern Missouri. But of course, nothing in northern Louisiana. Not even for parts of southern Arkansas, but now we do for southern Louisiana.

I saw a graphic last night on the news about how the rest of the world pretty much is warmer than normal at the moment, it's just the USA that is mostly the cold spot. Polar vortex moving south I think and then warmer than normal toward the pole.

I had seen that you got a blanket of snow earlier too. I was watching your camera.
In this thread:
Snow forecast in the southeast and other very cold temperatures in parts of U.S. - Chris in Tampa, 1/19/2025, 8:25 pm
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