America is not opening back up in a week, or even a few weeks
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 3/23/2020, 10:56 pm
I don't know how many governors would go along with that. I hope zero. I hope the federal government still does everything it is now, plus a whole lot more. Maybe the talk of opening things up soon ends quickly. For the sake of a lot of lives, I hope so. The current talk is disturbing. Basically, let people die to save the economy some pain. That could be a million people dead. Maybe millions, though I think before we get there we'll see drastic action from governors, and by that point, maybe even the president.

We're nowhere close to as bad as this is going to get. We just crossed a hundred dead in the U.S. in a day. It won't be long before it's 1,000 per day. Then thousands per day. Then, I don't know. At this point the U.S. may very well see the most dead from this, as well as the most infections of course. There really is little chance that this will kill less than tens of thousands in the U.S. I fear it's going to be so much worse.

Many of the largest and most vulnerable countries on Earth are authoritarian, at least to some extent. To that extent, they could get people to stay home more than the U.S. could ever dream of. There is next to zero chance the U.S. will go as far as it needs to.

People need to do what they need to do to keep themselves and their family safe. The federal government isn't going to be a reliable partner in this fight. If your governor, or the president, tells you it's okay to go out again, please consult with actual doctors when they are not standing next to elected and appointed federal officials. I assume everyone here knows that, but I'm going to say it anyway.


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Coronavirus - Thread #1 (Posts from February 29th - March 29th) - Chris in Tampa, 2/29/2020, 2:00 am
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