I was going to post about that but didn't want to sound like a bragging Texan, lol. It is a great store, like an experience, more than a grocer.
more on the "prepare for weather disasters" and covid connection,
from Brian McNoldy / Marshall Shepard
https://twitter.com/BMcNoldy/status/1243497550855929862 http://bmcnoldy.rsmas.miami.edu/covid19/
https://twitter.com/DrShepherd2013/status/1243589693817716737 https://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2020/03/27/the-looming-hurricane-season-and-covid-19-coronavirus/#36c2148b2ddd
The COVID-19 pandemic is very similar to hurricane season in some ways. Hurricane warnings are often downplayed or ignored in the same way that I am observing with messaging about social distancing. Federal, state, and local resources are fully engaged with COVID-19. A Hurricane Michael or Harvey scale event would like be a debilitating event if the COVID-19 situation has not improved. Even if improvement happens, the fallout from COVID-19 in the healthcare, first responder, economic and emergency management communities will remain. From that standpoint, I am very concerned about what happens this hurricane season. Brian McNoldy is a hurricane expert at the University of Miami who has also followed COVID-19 closely. He gets the last word below.
The active part of hurricane season usually begins in August, so we have 4 months for the pandemic to slow down and be able to focus on a different natural hazard. Part of hurricane season preparation is buying supplies similar to what we're currently doing, and many people here in south Florida already have a checklist to prepare for being self-sufficient for a week or so. At least with the pandemic prep, we don't have to worry about water and gas stockpiles and losing electricity and internet access! For most of the country's population, hurricane season isn't personal. But for hurricane-prone areas along the Gulf coast, southeast and mid-Atlantic states, we will prepare just the same... we just have a little head-start now. Brian McNoldy, University of Miami