I have a niece & her fiance in Boston, he attends MIT & was going to campus med ctr for persistant pain in his abdomen/side, was told it's probably his ulcers & quit drinking coffee, eat healthy - couldn't take the pain any longer, called an ambulance in middle of night, went to ER in Boston, had ct scan, inconclusive, most likely appendicitis, but not ruptured, given morphine there, told they would usually do surgery, but covid-19 made it too risky, released w/antibiotic couple days ago, told to stay home
he's since developed dry cough, called his dr.s, told it's likey covid-19 & self-quarantine for 14 days
this is a well connected, higly educated, very cautious, non-risk-taking couple & he may die at home because the hospital can't help him
we have not even hit the worst in the US - our medical personnel are fighting a war without sufficient ammunition & weak to little back-up
ppl need to take this seriously